How to Be a Healthy Role Model for Your Kids

Our kids are like tiny, messy little mirrors, revealing to us exactly who we are. They are always watching, mimicking, and repeating the things we do and say, reflecting our good and… less-desirable… habits.


This is no different in the area of nutrition, exercise, and overall health. It’s even more crucial in this area, actually, because we have so much control over the schedule and the food that we bring into the house. As moms, we hold their health in our hands.

Childhood obesity is truly an epidemic in our country, and that’s just a hop-skip-and-a-jump into increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke as they grow into adults. Because of this, our kids are expected to be the first generation to not outlive their parents.

It’s not just their physical health that’s at risk, either. Our generation is the most anxious, depressed, and stressed generation in history, and our kids are following suit. Poor nutrition has been tied to behavior issues and a slew of mental disorders.

It’s heart-breaking, right?

The good news is, we MOMS can be the healthy super heroes they need us to be! We can right the path for their health & longevity, and it all starts with modeling healthy behaviors.

Here are 10 tips for being a healthy example to your kids:

1. Eat meals together.

There’s a ton of research out there to support that kids benefit IMMENSELY when the family regularly enjoys meals together. These kids make better grades, have healthier diets, and are at less risk for mental health issues and substance abuse.

There’s a lot of reasons for this. They get to see YOU making healthier choices and there’s more opportunity to discuss the food that’s been served and why. That super important quality time together is priceless and the benefits go way beyond physical health.

With our over-booked schedules these days, it can be hard to make family meals happen regularly. Start by prioritizing just ONE family meal together a day (it doesn’t have to be dinner!) MOST days of the week. As you feel the benefits, you’ll feel motivated to make it happen more often. Our family dinners are consistently our kids’ favorite parts of their day.

2. Take them grocery shopping with you.

I know, I know… when the kids go with you, it takes longer, it’s often more expensive, and you run the risk of having to abandon a full cart mid-store due to a full-blown toddler fit.

I get it. I am amazed, though, at how interested my kids are in the foods we’re buying.  They love helping to pick out the produce and they always have questions about why we’re picking one item over another. It definitely helps to give them a job to do so they feel empowered while you shop.

Taking them with you to the store gives you the opportunity to model things like reading labels, carefully choosing nutritious options, and explaining why the quality of the food we consume is so important!

3. Watch your language.

I’m not talking about the occasional four letter word you drop when someone cuts you off in traffic… you know, when your 3-year-old who hasn’t heard a thing you’ve said for the past 20 minutes then starts repeating that ONE WORD as loudly as possible in the backseat. *eye roll*

What you say about food, exercise, and YOURSELF have a profound effect on your kids and their behaviors and attitudes. If you use food as a reward or a coping mechanism, they notice. If you constantly make negative comments about your body, they get complicated messages about their own body image.

The best thing to do is NEVER talk about weight, size, or diets – yours or theirs. Don’t label foods as “bad” food or “good” foods.  Always focus on eating and exercising for optimal health, energy, and to feel your best. Someone much smarter than me taught me to talk to my kids about food in terms of energy… fast energy foods, muscle building foods, sustained energy foods, etc.  If we talk to kids about how foods affect them and their energy, it empowers them to reflect on how they feel after eating and make their own wise choices.

4.  Let them help you cook or plan meals.

When my kids are involved in the process of getting the food on the table, they tend to be more adventurous with what they’ll try AND they’re learning many valuable skills. Cooking together is all about teachable moments.  You learn about the nutrition side, but there’s also letters, colors, critical thinking, coordination, etc.  

Let them help plan the menu. This gives them some control over the experience.  Can you imagine NEVER getting a say in what you were eating? That would be frustrating for ANYONE.  It’s good to let our kids have some input about what’s for dinner and what goes on their plate! It doesn’t matter how you do it – get them involved in the process and make it a positive experience.

5. Try new foods and activities together.

Make it a goal to try a new food and/or active play activity together once a week.

Try going for a walk, jogging, or riding bikes together. Go to a trampoline park. Take a mommy & me dance or yoga class.

Buy a new exotic fruit at the grocery store or visit a new restaurant together. Make a new snack recipe together, something with fun shapes and colors and lots of good nutrition.

Through these adventures with you, they’ll learn to associate active play and eating with quality time with mom. That’s some serious positive reinforcement!

6. Reward them with attention and fun.

Don’t reward yourself (or your kiddos) with food. You are not dogs.

This is a tough one for me because, in my family, love is spelled F-O-O-D. Growing up, getting ice cream was both a celebration and a way of cheering myself up. Anyone else a recovering emotional eater? 

Instead of rewarding good behavior or accomplishments with food treats, find alternatives that are fun, active, and where they get your full attention. Learn to spell love a different way, T-I-M-E. I’m not saying celebrations should never include a treat, but pay close attention to the frequency. Is food ALWAYS the reward? Is this a healthy association they’re building over time?

Take them to the park. Get a new activity or coloring book and make beautiful things together. Give lots of hugs and kisses and encouragement. Ask THEM what they want to do to celebrate!

7. Limit sweet treats.

We avoid labeling foods as “bad” or “good” foods in our house, but we do discuss how foods make us feel. We also practice moderation and avoid depriving enjoyable foods. 

Sweet treats are a tough one, because we know that too much of the processed candies and cakes can be detrimental to health.  They’ve made them so addicting that it’s hard for ANYONE to moderate their intake. We tend to not keep a lot of treats in the house for this reason.  

When the kids have gorged themselves on sweets (looking at you, Halloween,) I ask them how they feel. I encourage them to pay attention to their bodies, is their heart pounding and do they feel bouncy?  I ask how their brain feels, is it busier than usual?  When I see them crashing, or they complain of a belly ache, I ask them why they think that is. I ask if they think that was a fast energy food or a sustained energy food? They have often made the association themselves that they had too much sugar, and over time they’ve gotten better at moderating their own sugar intake to avoid the belly aches and busy brains.

8. Be active together every day.

Play in the yard. Wrestle on the floor. Have a tickle fight. Invite them to join you on a walk. Send them on errands that keep them moving, like “explore every corner of the park and find me 3 special leaves!” Let them think of a game!

Find ways to be active with your kiddos every day.  Not only does it show them that being active is FUN, it will also give YOU the opportunity to be a kid again!

9. Limit the drive thru and processed foods.

The overabundance of over-processed food-like substances is the reason our society is getting sicker and sicker. I could write a whole other post on this alone, but the gist of it is this… don’t let processed foods be the staple of your diet.

It’s nearly impossible to live in our society and not indulge in some heavily processed food-like substances from time to time, especially since most of us were raised on it. Those habits run deep, but they can be reflected upon and changed. Also, like if busy and sometimes we have to lean on convenience.  It happens, no biggie. Do pay attention to what your family eats MOST of the time, however.

10. Keep it fun and adventurous.

Remember, it’s all an adventure. Learning any new habit or routine is one great big experiment, and this is one you get to embark on with your whole family. If you approach things together this way, it’s a lot more fun for everyone.

Don’t expect to ever be a perfect role model – in any area.  You’re a human, after all.  Let your kids know that you are doing your best to make food and activity choices that reflect how you want to FEEL. Ask them to explore those choices with you.

Take this opportunity to really connect with your kiddos in a whole new way. Talk about what you’re learning and how great it feels to be a healthy family, together.

There are many ways to teach your kids, but nothing has the profound impact of your example.

Which of these tips can you implement today? Which do you think will be the hardest for you? Are there any tips you’d add to the list? Comment below!

How Do I Get my Kid to Eat Healthy Food?

My Top 5 Tips For Raising Healthy Eaters

I recently launched an eBook called 30 Healthy Toddler Lunches. I received a lot of positive feedback, but the one question I keep getting is… “These recipes are great, and the book is helpful, but what if my kid won’t eat this stuff??”

It can be tough to get our sweet little tyrants to sit down long enough to eat, let alone, try any new, questionable foods!  I get it, and I hear you.  My 3 year old (Levi) isn’t always excited to try new foods, either!

First, I want you to know that it IS worth the fight, this battle WON’T wage on forever, and you are a rock-star parent for making a stand for your child’s health!

Source: iStock

Yes, you can teach your kids to love healthy foods!

Here are my top 5 tips for getting your kids to eat healthy foods:

Try, try again.

Initial rejection of food is NORMAL. It can sometimes take 5-10 exposures before your little one will come around. We have a rule in our house: You don’t have to like it, but you do have to try it! Try preparing the food in different ways to find a way that fits their tastes.

Repeated experiences with foods are most critical in the first few years of their lives because this is when they’re developing their tastes for foods, so stick to your guns on this! Keep in mind, this can also work against you.  Repeated exposure to high-fat junk foods can make them prefer it.  This is a great segway into my next tip…

Don’t bring the junk in the house.

Funny enough, this is the first piece of advice I give the ladies in my online health and fitness accountability groups!  It’s hard to resist temptation when you’ve got it staring you in the face each day.  If I know there are cookies in my pantry — I’m eating the cookies.  I know this about myself, so I won’t even bring it into my home!

This works great for your kids, too. My favorite response when Levi asks for cookies, candy, or pizza, is typically “Sorry, bud, we don’t have that,” then, I offer a healthy alternative, “…but we DO have strawberries and blueberries!”

Model Healthy Eating

I know for a lot of moms, this is the biggest struggle.  If you want your kids to be healthy, YOU need to model healthy choices for them.  You are their #1 influence. They learn more from what you DO than what you say.

Resist the urge to be a “do as I say, not as I do,” parent.  That’s lazy parenting in my opinion (OUCH! yes, I said it!) If your kid’s health is important to you, it’s worth it for you to do the hard work and adjust your lifestyle.  I am not saying this to shame you.  I have personally struggled in this area, and that’s why I’m passionate about it!  If you struggle to stay motivated, remind yourself who is watching.  Teach them healthy habits NOW so they don’t have to also struggle as adults.

Reward, don’t Punish, Coerce, or Bribe

Praise your little ones when they eat healthy food. They want you to be proud of them. So, when he eats all his carrots, light up and tell him what a good healthy eater he is and give a high five. Avoid shaming for poor choices. Gently say “no” and offer a healthy alternative.

Do not force children to “clean their plate.”This encourages over-eating. Up until about 3 years old, children will typically stop eating when they’re full.  As they get older, they will eat what is offered to them. Be mindful of appropriate portion sizes when making (or help them make) their plates. Discuss portions with their pediatrician to find out whats appropriate for their age.

Treats, in moderation, are okay in our house.  It’s important to teach balance.  We have pizza about once a month, and at home, I will offer him a sweet treat once or twice a week.  If he starts asking for these frequently, I gently remind him that they are treats and not “every day” foods.

Make it Fun

When we have steamed broccoli for dinner, we like to pretend we’re giants and we’re all eating trees.  Levi LOVES this and I love knowing he’s associating broccoli with FUN!

You can also include your little one in the prepping or cooking process.  When Levi helps scramble the eggs or wash the berries, he takes pride in enjoying them for breakfast.

Get excited about trying new foods together! When we roasted parsnips one night, I said “hey, bud! I made a new kind of carrot – this one is WHITE! Isn’t that cool?? Let’s see if it tastes like marshmallows!”

You can also get Pinterest-y with your meals if you have time.  Make veggies into bugs or faces.  Playing with your food is always fun.  They’re kids, let them enjoy it! 😉


Download your FREE copy of my eBook!

Did you find these tips helpful? Don’t forget to share this post!

What are YOUR best tips for getting your little ones to eat healthy foods?

Levi’s First Birthday

My son turned 1 on March 31st.  So on March 29th, I did like any rational mother would do and I threw a quaint family gathering… that quickly turned into a Pinterest-induced, monkey-themed, over-celebration (mostly) for the grown-ups… and SOME kids.

I chose the monkey theme because Levi’s ears stick out, he is obsessed with bananas, and he climbs all over me and the furniture.  Simple enough.

See… Clearly, a MONKEY!

Once the theme was set, then the hard work began… hours and hours of pinning on Pinterest, without any real commitment to any one idea.  You know how this goes, ladies.  If it’s done on Pinterest, it just magically appears in your living room, right?  No… no it doesn’t.  But wouldn’t that be nice…

About 2 months out, I started really sifting through the many pins for the things I ACTUALLY wanted to do and/or wanted to delegate someone to do for me.  I made a list of the different projects, and then further sifted through those until I had a manageable to-do/to-make list.  I then started making crazy amounts of online purchases, since it’s much more convenient than shopping with a 10 month old.  My husband probably got a new grey hair every time he came home and found another 3 Amazon boxes at the door.  I even had a box from a wholesaler shipped to our dental office because shipping to a business was cheaper than a residence!  He was just thrilled to open a huge box of plastic banana split boats and portion cups while at work… I can just see the “What the…?” look on his face.

I decided on a few themed foods:

Monkey Cupcakes
Mod-Monkey Smash Cake
Pineapple palm tree fruit tray!
Jungle Dip (Spinach dip) and Fruit Dip

Banana Pudding Cups
Sangria for the BIG monkeys!

There was also an AWESOME banana split bar that you can barely see in the background of the Sangria picture.  I completely forgot to take pictures of it and I could KICK myself!

I ordered some decorations to match:

Super cute birthday boy hat that Levi refused to wear.

I loved this banner with a picture from each of his first 11 months!

I used extra bananas for table decorations.

We had games set up outside (washers, ladder toss, chalk, and bubbles for bigger kids) and I had a playroom set up for the babies inside (ball pit, bouncy balls, random baby toys, etc.)  I forgot to get pictures of the activities.  Each kiddo also got to leave with their own stuffed spider monkey (like the one pictured above) and a small bag of bananas (banana candies) to feed their new monkey!  I also let them take home bubbles and any leftover cupcakes.  I’m sure the mom’s hated me for their kids’ sugar highs that day!

We opened presents:

And then, of course, THIS happened:

I can just eat this with my FACE, right?

Overall, we all had a wonderful time and I was so happy with the way things turned out!

See links below for craft instructions and vendor links.

All paper art items (banners, food tents, bottle labels, birthday hat) were made by PartyOnPurpose.
“Go Bananas” spoons made by SucreShop
Mod Monkey cake made by Debbie’s Delights.  
“ONE” shirt made by lilthreadzclothing.
Directions for the Monkey cupcakes can be found here
Directions for the pineapple palm tree fruit tray can be found here

If you have any questions about where anything was purchased or how anything was made that is NOT listed above, be sure to comment and I will do the best I can to find the answer for you! 

Levi Bryan’s Birth Story

As of my last post I was in the throws of the third trimester and hovering around week 31.  Little did I know that Levi was growing more and more impatient as he was physically growing…

On Good Friday, 2013, I took a quick trip to the most loathed destination I could imagine, Wal-Mart.  I intended for this to be a quick trip in to grab an inexpensive, tunic-style dress for laboring at the birth center.  I wanted to wear something comfy but also inexpensive so that if it was ruined in the process, there would be no remorse and I could easily toss it.  I despise Wal-Mart, so I found the dress I was looking for quickly, grabbed a few other essentials (Robin Egg candies are essential, right?) and headed for the registers.  As I was checking out, I felt an unusual gush where and when there should not have been one… I did not panic in front of the other customers and the sweet teenager at the cash register, but I did rush to the restroom as soon as I could.  I assessed the situation and decided it was LIKELY that I had just peed myself.  I had heard so many stories from friends about women peeing themselves in the last trimester.  I had been doing my pelvic floor exercises regularly to help avoid having my own such stories, but sadly, in that bathroom, I thought I was looking at my failed efforts.  I certainly did not want to panic by assuming it was the alternative and that my water had broken at 34 weeks… so I pushed that thought way, way, down… for a moment.

As I walked out of Wal-Mart thinking that I was just some other patron that peed herself in their store (and praying that no one could tell,) I made a quick call to my midwife to update her and the thought that my water had broken crept back into my mind.  As soon as I heard her voice on the phone, I started crying.  I guess I was less convinced that it was pee than I thought.  I had never prayed that I had peed my pants before, but I found myself doing just that at that moment.  After having a detailed discussion with my midwife about what happened, we decided it was likely just pee, and I should go home and relax and keep her posted on any other developments.

I spent the rest of the evening on the couch wondering if I was still peeing myself, constantly.  The “pee” wouldn’t stop coming, in small gushes, and I was steadily stress eating my way through that 5 lb bag of Robin Eggs.  My midwife became concerned and told me to go to the ER just to have it checked out and make sure it wasn’t in fact amniotic fluid leaking.  I pushed the panic way way down, again.  This was just a precaution, noooo worries!  Happy, happy, positive thoughts!  “Wooooosaaahhhh!”

It was around 9pm when we got to the ER.  I tried to remain positive, even when the nurse in Labor and Delivery advised that we get checked in because I was leaking amniotic fluid and my water had ruptured prematurely.  Our impatient little man was going to be making his debut 6 weeks early!  I was obviously worried.  I hadn’t mentally or emotionally prepared myself for complications.  My pregnancy had been super easy, I was in great health, and there were no indications that the remainder of the pregnancy and the delivery would go anything but absolutely perfect.

This was not at all our “birth plan” for Levi.  We had planned to deliver with our midwife group in a birth center, full term, with no meds, no interventions.  I contacted my midwife and she prepared to pack up and head our way to act as a Doula.  She wanted us to deliver in a hospital because a baby this early may need a NICU (panic, GULP.)  We had to come up with a new plan, and quickly, because Levi was ready.

We decided to head to a different hospital to deliver, but not without heading home and packing a couple bags for the hospital. That was one of those checklist items we hadn’t quite gotten to yet because we weren’t expecting to need it for at least another month!  I also needed a shower, if for no other reason than to just give myself a few minutes to process what was about to happen.  By the time we got to our hospital of choice it was after 2am on Saturday morning.  I knew that I should be exhausted but adrenaline had me amped.  I had no idea how this was going to play out.  Was I going to meet my son today?  Was he healthy? Was he ready?  Could we still deliver naturally?

We got checked in, I was put on an IV with antibiotics and fluids and we were told that the doctor would be in for rounds at 8am and we should sleep.  We should sleep, still not knowing what was happening, when baby Levi was coming, and still full of adrenaline.  Sleeping was a joke.  Sleeping was a chore.  I tried, but there was no sleeping.  I could only try to mentally prepare myself for every scenario we might face in the hours ahead.

The entire next day was a blur or complete fatigue, confusion, and panic.  We met our doctor, who, thankfully, happened to be one of the BEST in our area.  He set my mind at ease as much as he could, and he was respectful of my desire to deliver naturally, with the coaching of my doula, using my Hypnobabies techniques.  I was supposed to be spending this day driving to Louisiana to the second baby shower.  I had my mom notify everyone who had already made the trip in for the shower the night before that Levi had other plans for our weekend and to please enjoy the food and party without us!  I felt awful that my aunts had worked so hard to put together a beautiful shower that I wouldn’t get to attend!  I learned later that it turned out to be a great party and family gathering, anyway.

All day, I was visited by nurses non-stop.  I tried to nap but my efforts were futile as the door was always open.  Either a nurse was coming to check vitals, introduce the new shift, or a family member was coming to check in on us.  My poor husband didn’t know what to do so he mainly focused on taking care of the financials.  I was advised by my doctor that we would let Levi come on his own in the next day or two, as long as we started laboring naturally at some point.  I was on antibiotics so baby and I were safe from infection.  They did let me stay in my tunic-style Walmart dress (mainly because I simply refused to wear the gown,) and later they did let me walk around the hospital so that I could hopefully get things moving naturally.

Enjoying an evening waddle around the L&D floor at Christus-St.Elizabeth.

Early Sunday morning, the contractions started.  Levi was ready, and whether I liked it or not, I was going to have to be ready too!  As we continued through the morning, new problems arose.  First, during a check for dilation, the doctor found that Levi was presenting with his hand on his hand.  I was informed that if delivered vaginally this way, he could have permanent nerve damage or a broken arm.  I waited for my midwife and she had me try some different positions for laboring that would hopefully result in him getting into a better position.  The doctor also tried pinching his little hand in hopes that he would pull it back, but Levi refused.

THEN, the next bit of bad news.  Levi’s heart rate kept getting progressively lower as each contraction grew stronger.  Again, the midwife and I made adjustments to my positioning to try to take some pressure off of baby Levi.  No luck.  It helped a little, but his heart-rate was still dropping and dropping fast.

After many efforts to deliver naturally, my doctor finally insisted that we rush into a cesarean.  I had been fighting it, and he was very sympathetic, but he was very concerned with Levi’s heart-rate dropping so severely, especially since we were still in early labor. 

I spoke with my midwife and she told me that she felt like we had done everything we could to try to do it the natural way, but some babies are just stubborn and maybe it was time to call “three strikes, you’re out” on this one.  With her support, and a great deal of anxiety over Levi’s health, my husband and I gave the doctor the okay.  I was on the operating table within minutes.

I had held it together very well through this whole ordeal, even as things got progressively worse throughout the weekend, but when we finally decided on the cesarean, I felt defeated and that’s when the tears and panic overcame me.  I didn’t want to do it this way.  I wasn’t prepared for this, but more than anything, I just wanted my baby to be okay.  He was so early and so stubborn.  I was afraid for his lung development, for his arm, for his heart-rate, and yes… I was afraid of surgery, too! 

The cesarean went well.  As soon as Levi was removed, he wailed with those healthy lungs and I felt relief.  I asked my husband to follow him to the NICU.  I was calmer then.  I knew my baby was okay, I knew I was in good hands with this doctor, and my anesthesiologist talked to me about gardening the entire time which, surprisingly, kept me very calm.  It probably helped that I was heavily dosed on pain medication at this time, too.

Levi was born at 12:12pm on Easter Sunday, March, 31st, 2013.  He was 4lbs 6oz and 18 inches long.  He spent 2 weeks in the NICU and came home with us on April 13th, 2013.

Our very first family photo.

He was and still is an impatient little tornado!  For a long time I felt that I had been robbed of my perfect, serene, birth experience, but I finally realized that I was blessed with 6 extra weeks with the newest love of my life.  My sweet angel just couldn’t wait to start his life on the outside, and I’m thankful every day for the joy he brings to my life!

26 weeks – Baby in Motion

Today, I am 26 weeks pregnant.  That means little Levi Bryan (yes, our baby boy’s name has officially been decided) has been in there cookin’ for 24 weeks! 

My lovely husband took these belly pictures of me today and cracked me up with his “photographer” lingo.  I don’t know what kind of photo-shoot he thought this was, but let’s just say that the language was more risque than I expect to hear from our actual photographer during our maternity shoot in March…

The second trimester is nearly over and I must say, I loved every minute of it!  During this trimester, my acne symptoms disappeared, and I returned to a normal energy level.  I did have a few nights around the 23/24 week mark where I thought heartburn was going to be my new plight, but thankfully that quickly subsided and I’ve breezed through the remainder of the trimester with no complaints.

Around 23 weeks, my midwife recommended that I cool it on the classes at the gym, specifically Zumba and Kickboxing.  I was really bummed because these had become my FAVORITE classes and I looked forward to them.  I had explained to her in my appointment that I had some round ligament pain (the ligaments that strain to support that ever-growing uterus) after my kickboxing class so I had to duck out of class early a couple times.  She said it was good that I was listening to my body, but that I should probably cut out any classes that involved excessive pelvic movements.  No more rump-shakin’ and rump-kickin’??  NOOOOooooOOOooo!  She suggested walking, spinning or swimming as suitable replacements.  I am not a fan of walking.  As a runner, I tend to get bored with just walking.  Spinning has always been a difficult work-out for me.  It makes me feel like an uber-wimp and reminds me of the days when I worked out with a trainer and he consistently MURDERED my legs on the bike.  Swimming, sadly, is not an option since I do not have access to a pool and my tub is merely average size (lame.) 

After pouting and not doing ANY exercise for the week following that appointment, I finally sucked it up and decided to check out the spin class at my gym.  I had been to the class once before with my husband and really couldn’t remember what all the fuss was about or why I never went back.  I simply remembered that I didn’t particularly enjoy it.  I was quickly reminded about ten minutes into class.  My tush can’t handle it!  My “sit-bones” (as my friend and work-out buddy, Amanda, calls them) were bruised for DAYS after that first spin class!  It is a great work-out.  There is no denying that.  My legs burn, I get a good sweat going, but nothing compares to the abuse on my derrière!  After the second class with mind-numbing “sit” pain, I went to Academy and bought a gel-padded seat in hopes that it would make the class more comfortable.  Some kind gentleman in my last class recommended it.  While I found it disgusting that he kept insisting I “feel” his gel-padded seat that he’d just ass-sweated on for an hour… I appreciated that there may be a solution to this problem!  If I can’t overcome the tush-abuse issue, I may be walking daily while listening to books on tape.  *Snore*

I have also been doing THIS prenatal workout video by Lindsay Brin a couple times a week.  I had never heard of Lindsay Brin before I found her pregnancy fitness DVD set at Target early in my pregnancy.  I read up on her and once I found out she had three kids and 6-pack abs, I figured I could benefit from using her video.  While the cardio segment is light and can get become monotonous after repeating the same video for weeks, the toning has been great and you can always increase the weight to get more results.  She tends to focus on a full body toning and functional work-outs that will benefit you during pregnancy, child-birth, and post-baby.  I feel like it’s helped a lot to keep my weight gain strictly in my front belly region.  I’m happy with the DVD set and it’s been nice to have when I can’t or don’t feel like making it to the gym.

At this point, I have gained about 13 pounds since the day I found out I was pregnant.  I think that puts me on pace to gain a total of 30, as long as I don’t go hog wild with my diet.  In the past two weeks, I have become extremely motivated to eat better.  I suppose I finally had the realization that I need to be a better example for my child, in regards to my diet.

Levi’s movements have become much more obvious and consistent.  In the past week, I’ve started seeing his movements externally and this is by far my favorite pregnancy development!  I get the biggest kick out of seeing him moving through my belly.  It’s such a bizarre feeling.  It’s like there’s a little alien in there trying to escape his flesh prison.  It makes me laugh and wonder what, exactly, he is doing in there moving around like that!  He is incredibly active now, mostly in the mornings when I’m trying to get those delicious last 10 minutes of sleep before starting my day, or at night when I’m reading in bed and trying to wind down.  Soon, I will need to start tracking his movements with a kick-counter.

The only real pregnancy downer I’ve had this trimester was not getting to ride the Zipper, YET AGAIN.  The Zipper is my favorite carnival ride.  I LOVE carnivals.  What I love MOST about carnivals are the Zipper, and candied apples.  Candied apples have been a challenge lately since I have had braces, but I found a solution to that problem.  The situation with the Zipper is more complicated.  Before I got pregnant, it seemed that every carnival or fair I went to had replaced the Zipper with some other sub-par (in my opinion) yet similar ride.  I tried the bad replacement rides, but nothing will ever replace the Zipper in my heart!  Since I have been pregnant, I have seen the Zipper at least 3 times.  THREE TIMES.  That’s more than I had seen the Zipper in an entire YEAR pre-pregnancy and in the past six months, when it’s forbidden, it haunts me constantly.  Ohhhhh, Zipper.  We will meet again!  

As soon as I’m fully recovered from child-birth, I am going to plan an entire day of pregnancy-taboo activities.  I’ll start by having my favorite over-caffeinated beverage, the triple-grande-non-fat-no-whip-marble-mocha from Starbucks.  Maybe I’ll have two.  I’ll then enjoy a big breakfast of nothing but runny eggs. For lunch, I’ll have all the raw sushi & sashimi I can stomach.  I’ll eat sushi until my chopstick wielding hand cramps!  I’ll then drink copious amounts of every alcoholic beverage I’ve craved over my 9 months of baby-growing.  Dark, seasonal ales, mimosas, champagne toasts, a nice Cabernet Sauvignon, shots of tequila… (wait… who is going to take care of the baby while I do this?)  I’ll enjoy all these drinks while devouring a buffet of unpasteurized, soft cheeses.  Bring on the BRIE!  Then I’m going to a carnival and riding the Zipper.  I’m going to ride it until I puke (which likely won’t be much after the alcohol binge and cheese combo.)  If I can find it of course.  I’m sure the moment I am no longer pregnant and not at risk of scrambling my baby, the Zipper will become elusive once again.  Darn you, universe!  It will be a glorious day of reckoning… or I will just make myself ABSOLUTELY miserable and sick.  🙂  We shall see.

Here is a quick VIDEO of Levi moving in my belly while I was laying in bed.

Gender Reveal Party – IT’s A BOY!!

Before we even found out we were pregnant, Tyler and I were thinking of ideas for our gender reveal party.  This bonus party for the baby has recently become all the rage among expectant mothers.  I had never heard of it until idea boards for “gender reveals” started blowing up on Pinterest.  I LOVE parties so I loved the idea of having ANOTHER baby-themed party, however, in the back of my mind I was thinking… “Okay, is this completely narcissistic of us to throw yet ANOTHER party for our poor friends and family to drag themselves to?”  I did not want people to think we were fishing for more gifts or that I in any way EXPECTED them to show up to EVERY baby event.  I have been the “unmarried friend with-out kids” to some of my friends for many years and I know that while I love to be there to celebrate milestones and accomplishments with my friends, all the parties can be exhausting and the gifts for said parties can get expensive!

I finally decided to go ahead with the party, but I was sure to communicate to our friends and family that this was casual, we did not want gifts, and that they were not to feel guilty if they couldn’t make it!  We simply wanted to celebrate finding out the gender of our first born child with some crazy antics and lots of family & friends! 

Planning the Party

I am notorious for spoiling surprises or secrets.  I got my Christmas gift from my husband on December 18th, because I couldn’t stand to wait, and the infamous story of Tyler’s wedding proposal to me is one of me basically SPOILING it by begging him incessantly to give me my birthday present a day early, which he did.  Obviously, he is equally bad at waiting to GIVE me surprises.  We make a great team. 🙂   That being said, he was adamant that I would not ruin THIS surprise for the gender reveal. 

We went to our 20 week ultrasound on the Friday before Christmas.  I was a little nervous because I knew the results of this ultrasound would tell us whether our baby was developing on pace and was healthy.  I was afraid of negative results, but I remained positive because I knew the statistics for a healthy baby were on my side.  Also, I had to remain positive for my own sanity.  Thinking of every little thing that could go wrong will drive a woman mad.

We explained to the ultrasound tech that we were going to have a gender reveal party, so when it came to the portion of the exam where she would determine the sex of the baby, we needed to be looking the other direction and clueless about what she found.  She loved the idea so she happily made us look the other way when it was time.  She turned the monitor and watched us like hawks to make sure we weren’t looking.  After she had determined the sex, she printed pictures of that “region” with the gender typed on them as proof, stuffed the pictures in an envelope, and handed them to us before we left.  She did an excellent job.  I especially liked when she griped at my husband that he wasn’t facing the wall and she thought he was cheating. 🙂  Atta-girl! 

Aside from determining the gender, we enjoyed the appointment and getting to see our baby, very much!  It took a lot of fighting but I managed to not cry.  I do not like to cry in front of strangers, even when it would be socially acceptable.  I thought I had felt the baby moving at week 18, but then I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling since then was the baby or not.  It was really nice to SEE our baby moving around and punching on the screen while feeling those sensations so that I could know without a doubt, that was my baby beating up on mom from the inside.  Our baby was VERY active during the ultrasound and gave the tech fits while she was trying to take her pictures.  Someone told me to eat chocolate to make the baby active, so I happily complied.  I don’t have to have much of a reason to eat chocolate.  The only downside to the appointment was having to drink the massive amount of water beforehand, and then subsequently laying there with a full bladder for the duration.  It helps them to more easily see the cervix for their measurements, so the sole purpose is not to torture pregnant women, though it will feel that way.

Off topic… back to the party.

I scheduled the party to take place at Cecil’s Cajun Kitchen in DeRidder, where most of my mom’s huge family lives.  I thought it would be a reasonable 1.5 hour drive for Nederland friends and not too far for our family in other parts of Louisiana.  I knew the drive would likely be too much for Houston friends and family, but I had to weigh the options and since it seems just about EVERY other life event we’ve celebrated has been in Houston, it was fair enough to switch it up this time.  I chose to schedule the party for the first available Saturday after Christmas and New Years had past.  It was going to KILL me to have to wait that long, but I knew we’d have more luck of getting everyone together after the holidays.  Besides, Tyler had hidden the envelope, so I had no way of finding out ahead of time, and the holidays kept me very well distracted from trying to find it anyway.

Cecil’s had a party room that would fit way more than we needed and did not charge for it’s use as long as at least half the guests ate or drank.  I didn’t anticipate that being a problem.  We like to eat and the food there is good; it’s a winning combination.

I spent most of the “planning” time pinning ideas from Pinterest.  The hardest part was finally sitting down and focusing on committing to the ideas I really wanted to use.  Once I had a plan, I spent about 2 hours in Hobby Lobby shopping for party supplies and getting more ideas, then another hour in Walmart finding less expensive versions of some of the items I’d already bought at Hobby Lobby.  I may have gone a little overboard with the party supplies from Hobby Lobby.  After the party had passed, I ended up returning about $50 worth of unopened supplies.  Which, I then turned around and spent on baby room decor… but I digress.

That evening, after I had explained to my husband why our living room was covered with Hobby Lobby shopping bags and attempted to rationalize my insane shopping spree, I made a list of all the projects I needed to complete, any items I still needed to complete those projects, and all the things I had asked my mom to take care of and/or bring for the party.  I do better with lists.  Once I had the list, I was a woman on a mission.  I knocked out all the projects the next day.  When everything was done and we were simply waiting for the day of the party, I then made a mock setup of what I wanted the center table to look like.  Our kitchen table then stayed in that state the rest of the week.

Tyler and I debated for some time about how we wanted to do the big reveal.  Did we want a cake or cupcakes or balloons or … ? There were so many options!  The week before Christmas, we met our friends, who own Daviss Donuts in Nederland, for dinner and when we told them about the upcoming reveal party, they offered to make reveal donuts for us!  It was different and I loved the idea of all of our party guests participating and biting into the donuts together at once to reveal either blue or pink filling!  Besides, who doesn’t like DONUTS??  The next day, our friend made us a couple samples and they were DELICIOUS.  I love food that is tasty AND functional!

The morning of the party, we stopped by Daviss Donuts to pick up our fresh reveal donuts and a couple kolaches for the road, and we headed out to DeRidder.  We got to Cecil’s early to set up.  It was raining all over Louisiana and southeast Texas that day so I thought everyone would cancel or show up late, but I was pleasantly surprised with the turn out!  We had over 40 guests come to the party and most were early.  I guess everyone was as excited as we were to find out what we are having!

As we welcomed each guest, I had them choose their “team” by choosing to wear either a blue or a pink lei.  It was obvious the room was heavily weighted with team BOY because the blue leis disappeared quickly.  I also asked each person to write their name on a slip of paper and put it in a blue or pink jar.  After the reveal, I would draw a name from the correct jar and that guest would win a door prize (a bag of chocolate goodies – themed after my cravings – and a gift card to Subway.) 

We encouraged everyone to eat lunch, have a couple beverages, and visit.  After lunch, we passed out the donuts and I reminded the entire room about 100x that NO ONE COULD BITE YET!!  Before it was time to take the big bite, I stood at the front of the room and thanked everyone for coming.  I then had a little surprise for my husband!  His 30th birthday was only a few days away, and while we had a room full of our closest friends and family, I wanted everyone to sing and acknowledge this milestone.  I had secretly asked his mom to pick up his favorite cake from a local baker in Nederland and bring it with her that morning.  As I asked the room to sing to him, my mom lit the candles and walked the cake in.  He was very surprised and it warmed my heart.  He blew out the candles, said thank you, and then immediately said “OKAY, lets find out what we’re having!”  We had successfully built up the suspense and it was time for the big show…

I gave the instructions to bite on the count of 3, Tyler did the countdown, and…. IT’S A BOY!!

I thought Tyler was going to spike his donut and do a victory dance, he was so excited!  Most of our guests had voted boy and were very excited, and those who were team pink immediately started telling us we’ll have to have another… haha.  Shortly after the reveal, we drew a name out of the blue jar for the door prize.  My step-sister and her husband took home a bag of goodies!

Was it worth it?
I didn’t know if the time and expense would be worth it going into the planning, but the entire drive home, all Tyler and I could talk about was how AWESOME the party was.  We both had a wonderful time and were happy to see that so many people came out to celebrate with us and they all seemed to enjoy themselves, too.  I hope it was worth it for those that had to make a long drive to be there.  I know I appreciated seeing every single person that was there.
In total, I think we spent about $250 on this party.  That includes all the decorations, 4 dozen reveal donuts, appetizers for 40+ guests, my great-grandma’s lunch, Tyler’s birthday cake, and a hefty tip for the awesome waitress that took care of our group.  In my opinion, it was well spent and worth every penny.  The build-up of anticipation, mingling with great family and friends, delicious food, the excitement of a huge group finding out simultaneously with a countdown and big unveiling, all made for a WONDERFUL experience.
If you’re debating whether or not you want to have a gender reveal party, my suggestion is to GO FOR IT!  Even if it ends up just being a handful of close friends and family, the surprise is worth it!

Highlight Reel
The main party table.  The final result looked a little different then it did on my kitchen table, but I was happy with it…
Write your name on a slip of paper & make your guess!  Someone’s name would later be pulled from the “correct” jar for a door prize!
Team BLUE or Team PINK?  Team Blue was dominating…

Boxes of Daviss Donuts reveal donuts!!

My mother-in-law, me, and my mom.  I was out-numbered… the expectant grandmas wanted a boy!
My Maw-maw – the great, great grandmother-to-be! She wanted a girl, but said she would still “accept” a boy.
You can see my growing bump here. 5 months pregnant.  We are two very excited parents-to-be!
What’ll it be?? Daviss Donuts did a great job of plugging these up so the colored filling couldn’t be seen!  No cheating!
Everyone loved these rubber duckies on the table and played with them throughout lunch.  Most of them disappeared after the party.  I guess they all wanted their very own rubber ducky!
My aunt, my mom, and a family friend – flaunting their teams!
Another Pinterest idea, stolen!  This list of Old Wives Tale predictions was fun in helping people to decide how to vote…
My brother-in-law and his girlfriend, enjoying some beer and hoping for a boy!
My Mamo (grandma) and her boyfriend enjoying lunch before the big reveal.

A really great iron-on I found at Hobby Lobby and could NOT pass up!
My Meme and Papa.  Meme has the best quote from the party.  After finding out it was a boy she exclaimed, “I’m SOOO disappointed!”  Haha… I think she’s accepted that we won’t have a 5th generation GIRL this time… maybe next time!
Flowers and duckies.
My mother-in-law and her husband were both team BOY! They already have 2 granddaughters and are excited to welcome a grandson!
Tyler blowing out his big 3-0 candles!  I think a BOY is the very best gift I could have given him…